Legal ProgramME

What is the legal programme about?
Our legal programme aims to help people with violated basic human rights (in a difficult financial situation, poor social status, from vulnerable social groups, etc.) who cannot afford a paid legal service. When the defined conditions are met, our team can cover all or part of the costs of legal aid and assistance to citizens.
Legal assistance consists of advice or legal representation before Bulgarian courts and other instances and before the European Court of Human Rights and other national and supranational bodies.
The cases and consultations on which you can get free legal assistance under the legal programme are mentioned in the “Services” column.
Who is the legal programme for?
In addition to persons with violated basic human rights in a difficult situation, the legal programme is also for persons who want to start their own business and have a good idea, but are limited financially and need help.
- Persons unable to pay lawyers for legal advice
- Persons whose fundamental human rights have been violated
- Your case is in one of the areas mentioned under “Services”
- People with special cases
"The goodness of men is the greatest law"
How do I sign up for free legal aid?
- Letters requesting legal assistance are accepted only at the Association’s e-mail address info@dogоvor.еu. The request should contain a brief and informative description of the case. It may be accompanied by copies of more relevant documents.
- By prior appointment by phone/e-mail at the office located in the town of. Sofia, ul. Georgi S. Rakovski № 25.

Strategic objectives of the legal agenda:
- Ensuring access to law for persons in vulnerable social situations;
- restoring citizens’ sense of justice and public confidence in the rule of law.
- Expanding the scope and level of legal awareness of the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria on human rights protection and restoration;
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